Matches made in heaven found at Vrunda Matrimony

Client: Laasya Media

Vipra vivaaha

Services Provided

Website Development
Mobile App Development


Social Media

About the client

Vrunda Matrimony is one of India’s online matchmaking services delivers to users through the application. This is a platform exclusively designed for different communities with the goal of helping lakhs of members to find their perfect life partner.


  • To build a matrimony app The client approached us to create an application with multiple instances exclusively for multiple communities. And to develop a mobile-friendly platform with a regular notification feature, an Interest page where the user can list his/her interesting profile, and Messaging option for personal communication. All these with subscription plans where users should buy it for extra features in the platform.
Vipra vivaaha
Vipra vivaaha

Results of the collaboration so far

  • Easy to use Mobile app and an interactive website As a result, the app was developed with attractive features to make the users glued to it. And we have developed a daily notification option where the user will receive a notification daily on new matches of his/her choice via email/SMS.
Vipra vivaaha

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